For 'Tapis Vert (La Bourgogne)' the artist carved an abstract pattern from a carpet of fake grass, based on the street plan of La Bourgogne in Tourcoing (F) where the gallery is located, This carpet was laid at the entrance to the gallery in such a way that the public had no choice but to walk over it when entering the exhibition space. Walking the green transformed street plan made the visitor experience this rather grim neighbourhood in a different way. This poetic-playful work invites us to approach the surrounding reality from a different angle.

Tapis Vert#2 was made for galerie In-Between in Antwerp (B). Here the pattern was based on a strip between the harbour and the northern neighbourhood of the city where the gallery was.


presented at:

Galery Guy Chatiliez in Tourcoing (F), Galerie In-Between in Antwerp (B)

streetmap in fake grass dimensions variable and adaptable to the space - 2008