roadblocks installation ceramics sculpture

A roadblock, normally grey in colour and ungainly in shape, is transformed into an art object. Used to indicate directions on the road and to block entrances and passages on the street. In this work the concept of blocking roads takes on an even political meaning, inevitably referring to other dividing roads. Although Jersey Barrier #1 is decorated with a white and red striped pattern it is not losing this political and critical significance. Placed in the exhibition space in such a way that the original function is very clear and it can no longer be ignored in its existence.

Jersey Barrier #2 is a same kind of roadblock but has a stripe of fluorescent orange paint sprayed on it.

presented at:

Transfo in Kortrijk (B), Electron in Breda (NL), European Triennial of Ceramics and Glass in Mons (B), XIX Bienal International de Arte de Cerveira (P), Hofke van Chantraine in Oud-Turnhout (B)

High fired ceramics with white and red lead-glaze. Size: 80 cm x 60 cm x 90 cm - 2012